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sulfur buckwheat, sulfurflower

Habit A variable, freely-branching perennial, usually forming low mats up to 6 dm. broad, but occasionally the branches ascending to 3 dm.

Variable, oblong to broadly obovate, acute or rounded, gradually or abruptly narrowed to a slender petiole, the blade 1-3 cm. long and the petiole 1/3 to equal length, usually gray-wooly on the under surface and green on the top.


Flowering stems up to 30 cm. longer but usually much shorter, leafless or with 1 or more small, scattered bracts; inflorescence a simple or compound, open umbel, the rays subtended by whorls of narrow bracts;

involucre narrowly cup-shaped, the lobes 2-3 mm. long, about equal to the tube, usually reflexed;

tepals glabrous, usually cream to yellow with a stipitate base, the lobes 2.5-4 mm. long, lengthening to up to 7 mm. in fruit.

Eriogonum umbellatum

Identification notes The large mat of green leaves which are gray on the under surface, and the yellow or cream flowers will usually identify this species.
Flowering time June-September
Habitat Sagebrush deserts to alpine rocky ridges.
On both sides of the Cascades in Washington; British Columbia south to California, east to Montana, Colorado and New Mexico.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native
Conservation status Not of concern
Sibling taxa
E. baileyi, E. cernuum, E. codium, E. compositum, E. douglasii, E. elatum, E. flavum, E. heracleoides, E. maculatum, E. marifolium, E. microtheca, E. niveum, E. nudum, E. ovalifolium, E. pyrolifolium, E. sphaerocephalum, E. strictum, E. thymoides, E. vimineum
Subordinate taxa
E. umbellatum var. devestivum, E. umbellatum var. ellipticum, E. umbellatum var. haussknechtii, E. umbellatum var. hypoleium, E. umbellatum var. majus, E. umbellatum var. sandbergii
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