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Phipps's hawthorn

Crataegus flabellata

Crataegus phippsii

Flowering time May-July
Habitat Floodplains, open forests, and thickets.
[WildflowerSearch map]
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in north-central Washington; southern British Columbia to northern Washington, also in Montana but not known from Idaho.
Origin Native
Conservation status Sensitive in Washington (WANHP)
Sibling taxa
C. castlegarensis, C. chrysocarpa, C. ×cogswellii, C. douglasii, C. gaylussacia, C. laevigata, C. macracantha, C. monogyna, C. okanaganensis, C. okennonii, C. phaenopyrum, C. phippsii, C. tenuior
C. castlegarensis, C. chrysocarpa, C. ×cogswellii, C. douglasii, C. gaylussacia, C. laevigata, C. macracantha, C. monogyna, C. okanaganensis, C. okennonii, C. phaenopyrum, C. tenuior
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