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hill milk-vetch, hillside milk-vetch

Habit Perennial from a taproot with several spreading to erect stems 1-5 dm. tall, finely puberulent.

Perennial from a taproot with several spreading to erect stems 1-5 dm. tall, finely puberulent.


Inflorescence of closely 15- to 40-flowered racemes, elongate in fruit;

peduncles longer than the leaves, up to 15 cm. long; pedicles 2-3 mm. long;

flowers reflexed, about 1.5 cm. long, creamy white to yellowish- or greenish-tinged;

calyx 7-10 mm. long, puberulent, the 5 teeth 1-3 mm. long;

banner upturned only slightly, the wings considerably exceeding the banner but scarcely exceeding the blunt keel.


Pod pendulous, with a stipe 5-15 mm. long, the body linear to lance-oblong, nearly straight, 7-25 mm. long and 2.5-4.2 mm. broad, wedge-shaped at each end, laterally compressed.

Astragalus collinus

Astragalus oniciformis

Flowering time May-June
Habitat Basaltic grasslands and sagebrush deserts.
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; southern British Columbia to Oregon, east to west-central Idaho along the Snake and Clearwater Rivers.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native
Conservation status Not of concern
Sibling taxa
A. agrestis, A. alpinus, A. arrectus, A. arthuri, A. arthurii, A. asotinensis, A. australis, A. beckwithii, A. canadensis, A. caricinus, A. cicer, A. columbianus, A. conjunctus, A. cusickii, A. diaphanus, A. eucosmus, A. falcatus, A. filipes, A. geyeri, A. hoodianus, A. howellii, A. inflexus, A. kentrophyta, A. laxmannii, A. leibergii, A. lentiginosus, A. lyallii, A. microcystis, A. misellus, A. miser, A. pulsiferae, A. purshii, A. reventiformis, A. reventus, A. riparius, A. robbinsii, A. sclerocarpus, A. sheldonii, A. sinuatus, A. spaldingii, A. speirocarpus, A. succumbens, A. tenellus, A. tweedyi, A. whitneyi
A. agrestis, A. alpinus, A. arrectus, A. arthuri, A. arthurii, A. asotinensis, A. australis, A. beckwithii, A. canadensis, A. caricinus, A. cicer, A. collinus, A. columbianus, A. conjunctus, A. cusickii, A. diaphanus, A. eucosmus, A. falcatus, A. filipes, A. geyeri, A. hoodianus, A. howellii, A. inflexus, A. kentrophyta, A. laxmannii, A. leibergii, A. lentiginosus, A. lyallii, A. microcystis, A. misellus, A. miser, A. pulsiferae, A. purshii, A. reventiformis, A. reventus, A. riparius, A. robbinsii, A. sclerocarpus, A. sheldonii, A. sinuatus, A. spaldingii, A. speirocarpus, A. succumbens, A. tenellus, A. tweedyi, A. whitneyi
Subordinate taxa
A. collinus var. collinus
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