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pasqueflower, prairie-crocus

Habit Grayish, hairy perennial from a branched, woody base, the 1-many stems 5-25 cm. tall.

Basal leaves numerous, long-petiolate, the blades 4-10 cm. broad, primarily ternate but divided into numerous linear divisions 1-2 mm. broad; the flowering stem naked except for a whorl of 3 leaves near the midpoint, divided much like the basal leaves, but smaller and sessile.


Flowers single;

sepals 5-7, blue to purple, oblong-elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 2.5-3.5 cm long;

petals none;

stamens and pistils numerous.


Achenes numerous, silky, linear-ellipsoid, 3 mm. long;

style slender, flexuous, short-plumose, 2-3.5 mm. long.

Anemone patens

Anemone okennonii

Flowering time May-August
Habitat Prairies to mountain slopes, mostly on well-drained soil.
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in the Wenatchee Mountains in Washington, where disjunct from the main species range; Alaska, south in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico, east to the northern Great Plains and the Great Lakes region.
[WildflowerSearch map]
Origin Native
Conservation status Threatened in Washington (WANHP)
Sibling taxa
A. deltoidea, A. drummondii, A. lyallii, A. multifida, A. occidentalis, A. oregana, A. parviflora, A. piperi
A. deltoidea, A. drummondii, A. lyallii, A. multifida, A. occidentalis, A. oregana, A. parviflora, A. patens, A. piperi
Subordinate taxa
A. patens var. multifida
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