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Loesel's tumblemustard, small tumbleweed mustard, tall hedge mustard

mustard family

Habit Plants annual, densely hispid below with retrorse trichomes, usually glabrous above. Herbs, rarely woody subshrubs or shrubs annual, biennial, or perennial; taprooted or with caudices, sometimes rhizomatous; trichomes unicellular, simple, 2–many-rayed, stellate, dendritic, or malpighiaceous; stalked or sessile; multicellular glands with uniseriate or multiseriate stalks present or absent.

(2)3.5–12(17.5) dm.

leafy or leafless, sometimes absent.


basal and/or cauline; simple or compound;

margins entire or variously divided, petiolate or sessile; without stipules.

Basal leaves


blades broadly oblanceolate; (1.5)2.5–8(12) × (1)2–5(7) cm, runcinate to lyrate-pinnatifid;

lateral lobes 2–4 per side;

margins entire or dentate;

petioles 1–4(5) cm.

Cauline leaves

similar to basal; uppermost leaves much smaller;

margins entire or toothed.


bracts 0, fruiting pedicels divaricate or ascending, 5–12(15) mm; narrower than fruits.

racemes; corymbs, or panicles, sometimes flowers solitary from a basal rosette.


sepals ascending, 3–4 mm;

petals spatulate, 6–8 × 2–3 mm;

claws 2.5–3.5 mm;

ovules 40–60 per ovary;

styles stout, 0.3–0.7 mm;

stigmas prominently 2-lobed.

bisexual, hypogynous, radially or rarely bilaterally symmetric;

sepals 4; in 2 decussate pairs, usually free;

petals 4, forming a cross, rarely absent;

stamens (2 or 4)6; in 2 whorls, tetradynamous, rarely equal in length or in 3 pairs of unequal length;

median filaments free or rarely united;

anthers dithecal, dehiscing by longitudinal slits;

pollen 3(10)-colpate, trinucleate;

pistils 1, 2-carpelled;

ovaries superior;

placentation parietal or rarely apical;

septa complete, perforated, or lacking;

styles 1;

stigmas entire or 2-lobed, nectar glands receptacular.


not appressed to rachis, narrowly linear, subtorulose; terete, curved or straight, 2–3.5(5) cm × 0.9–1.1 mm; young fruits not overtopping flowers;

valves often glabrous.

typically 2-valved capsules (siliques or silicles), dehiscent or indehiscent; terete, 4-angled, flattened parallel to or perpendicular to septum; replums rounded or rarely winged.


0.7–1 × 0.5–0.6 mm.

uniseriately or biseriately arranged in each locule, rarely aseriate, mucilaginous or not when wetted, winged or wingless;

cotyledons incumbent or accumbent, conduplicate.



Sisymbrium loeselii


[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[BONAP county map]

Roadsides, disturbed areas, prairies, riverbanks, pastures. Flowering May–Sep. 600–1200 m. BW. CA, ID, NV, WA; scattered in southern Canada and northern US; Asia, Europe. Exotic.

Cosmopolitan. 340 genera; 59 genera treated in Flora.

This family includes many economically important crop plants that are grown as vegetables, sources of vegetable oils (canola), or condiments (table mustard, horseradish, wasabi), or ornamentals. It also includes some 130 species of weeds, including Arabidopsis thaliana, a model organism in experimental and molecular biology. The limits of Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) have not changed in the past two centuries because of characteristic floral and fruit morphology. Generic delimitation within the family is often difficult because of the reliance on fruit characters to separate genera. The ovule number per ovary is a taxonomically important character, which can easily be determined by counting the number of seeds and aborted ovules in the mature fruit. The use of seed number alone may be taxonomically unreliable because many ovules fail to develop into seeds, especially late in the season due to the lack of sufficient pollen.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 2, page 509
Ihsan Al-Shehbaz
Flora of Oregon, volume 2, page 434
Sibling taxa
S. altissimum, S. irio, S. linifolium, S. officinale, S. orientale
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