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Oregon stonecrop

Habit Plants perennial, glabrous.

rootstocks and decumbent branches with terminal rosettes.

Flowering shoots

erect; simple or branched, 8–13 cm;

stem leaves alternate; broadest above middle; like those of sterile shoots.


alternate, spreading, spatulate or cuneate, 7–12 × 4.4–9 mm; thickest near tip, green or red, bases with short spurs;

tips broadly rounded or truncate;

surfaces glossy, not glaucous.


dense corymbs with 5–10 flowers, 3-branched;

branches dichotomously forked;

bracts spatulate or oblanceolate, 5–8 mm.


erect, 5-parted;

sepals erect, fused basally; ovate-lanceolate; ~3.5 × 2 mm, green;

tips acuminate or acute;

petals erect or distally somewhat spreading, connate basally, narrowly lanceolate; ~1 cm, yellow;

tips attenuate to aristate;

filaments yellowish or greenish;

anthers yellow.


erect, fused basally, light brown or yellow.



Sedum oreganum

Sedum hispanicum

[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[BONAP county map]

Rock outcrops, cliffs, steep rocky slopes. Flowering Jun–Aug. 0–1500 m. Casc, CR, Est, WV. CA, WA; north to AK. Native.

Sedum oreganum is recognized by its plump, shiny, crowded leaves and its long, narrow, erect, yellow flowers. Sedum divergens has more nearly spherical, opposite leaves. Sedum oreganum is sometimes divided into coastal (S. o. ssp. oreganum) and Cascadian (S. o. ssp. tenue) subspecies. Because Sedum disperse poorly, a biologically significant difference may have developed between these disjunct populations. However, the reported morphological differences do not appear to differentiate the populations consistently.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 2, page 604
Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Sibling taxa
S. acre, S. album, S. debile, S. divergens, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. moranii, S. oblanceolatum, S. oregonense, S. radiatum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum, S. thartii
S. acre, S. album, S. debile, S. divergens, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. moranii, S. oblanceolatum, S. oreganum, S. oregonense, S. radiatum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum, S. thartii
Synonyms Gormania oregana, Sedum oreganum var. oreganum, Sedum oreganum var. tenue
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