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fowl bluegrass

withered bluegrass

Habit Plants perennial, 25–120 cm tall, loosely to densely cespitose and often stoloniferous; shoots all or most flowering at anthesis, vegetative shoots appearing late in the growing season. Plants perennial, dioecious, 20–80 cm tall, loosely to densely cespitose.

nodes terete to slightly compressed;

proximal nodes often slightly swollen; the uppermost node usually at or above the middle of the culm.

Basal branching

extra- and intravaginal.

mainly pseudointravaginal.


sheaths closed to 20% of their length, bases of basal sheaths glabrous;

ligules (1)1.5– 6 mm, truncate to acute;

blades flat, 1.5–8 mm wide, usually several on the culm, steeply ascending or spreading to 80°; upper blades often lax.

sheaths closed approximatly 90% of their length; to near the collar;

ligules 0.5–2 mm long;

blades flat, 1.5–5 mm wide.


lax, eventually open, sparsely to moderately congested; (9)13–30(41)cm, generally 33–50% as broad as long at maturity;

spikelets 25–100+;

branches initially erect, eventually widely spreading to slightly reflexed, fairly straight; slender, 4–15 cm, 33–50% of the panicle length, 2–9 per node.

lax, narrowly lanceolate, 6–22 cm; sparse;

branches ascending, 1–3 per node.


narrowly to broadly lanceolate, 3–3.5 times as long as wide, 3–5 mm;

florets (1)2–5;

rachilla internodes mostly less than 1 mm.

3.5–7 mm;

florets (1)2(4);

rachilla internodes about 1 mm long.


tapering from the base or lanceolate, distinctly keeled;

keels smooth or sparsely scabrous;

lower glumes 3-veined; long tapered to a slender point, 6.4–10 times as long as wide.

keels scabrous;

lower glumes 1-veined;

upper glumes shorter than or subequal to lowest lemma.


with sparse cobwebby hairs.


narrowly lanceolate, 3.2–5 mm long, distinctly keeled, glabrous; smooth;

tips acuminate.


0.5–1.2 mm.

Poa palustris

Poa marcida

[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[BONAP county map]

Moist meadows, shorelines, ditches, forests, disturbed areas. 0–2600m. BR, BW, Casc, Col, ECas, Lava, Owy, WV. CA, ID, NV, WA; throughout most of Canada and US; circumboreal. Exotic?

Poa palustris has an open inflorescence, small lemmas and an open growth form produced by culms that often branch above the base. Poa nemoralis differs in having short, truncate ligules. Poa palustris from drier sites can be similar to P. interior, which has more lax leaf blades, calluses with sparse, short hairs, wider hyaline lemma margins and straight to slightly curved lemma keels. Poa interior has not been documented in Oregon. Both native and introduced populations of Poa palustris exist in North America, and Oregon plants have generally be considered introduced. However, some populations may be native.

Moist, late successional conifer forests. 0–1100m. Casc, CR, Est. WA; north to British Columbia. Native.

Poa marcida has narrow, nodding, few-branched inflorescences with branches that parallel the inflorescence axis. The lemmas are long and taper more gradually than other Poa species. Poa laxiflora also has nodding inflorescences, but its branches are strongly spreading, and its lemma tips are more rounded.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 1, page 461
Rob Soreng, Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Flora of Oregon, volume 1, page 460
Rob Soreng, Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Sibling taxa
P. alpina, P. annua, P. bolanderi, P. bulbosa, P. chambersii, P. compressa, P. confinis, P. cusickii, P. fendleriana, P. glauca, P. howellii, P. iconia, P. infirma, P. laxiflora, P. leibergii, P. leptocoma, P. lettermanii, P. macrantha, P. mansfieldii, P. marcida, P. nemoralis, P. nervosa, P. piperi, P. pratensis, P. pringlei, P. reflexa, P. rhizomata, P. secunda, P. stenantha, P. suksdorfii, P. trivialis, P. unilateralis, P. wallowensis, P. wheeleri
P. alpina, P. annua, P. bolanderi, P. bulbosa, P. chambersii, P. compressa, P. confinis, P. cusickii, P. fendleriana, P. glauca, P. howellii, P. iconia, P. infirma, P. laxiflora, P. leibergii, P. leptocoma, P. lettermanii, P. macrantha, P. mansfieldii, P. nemoralis, P. nervosa, P. palustris, P. piperi, P. pratensis, P. pringlei, P. reflexa, P. rhizomata, P. secunda, P. stenantha, P. suksdorfii, P. trivialis, P. unilateralis, P. wallowensis, P. wheeleri
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