Shasta sedge
Plants cespitose, 20–50 cm tall. |
3–4 mm wide; flat or folded. |
1.3–3 cm × 12–20 mm; spikes 3–8, crowded but distinguishable, gynaecandrous. |
broadly ovate; flat, 4–5.8 × 1.8–3.4 mm; straw-colored, green, or whitish with brown tip; widest below middle of total perigynium length, with 10–20 dorsal veins and 1–12 ventral veins; wings 0.4–1 mm wide; the edges often crinkled; beak winged and ciliate-serrulate to near the tip, or sometimes unwinged, brown; parallel-sided; and entire for the distal 0.5–0.7 mm, 2.2–3 mm from achene top to beak tip; stigmas 2. |
lenticular, located below the center of the perigynium; (1.4)1.7–2.4 × 1–1.6 mm. |
lanceolate to ovate, 3.2–4.8 mm long; shorter and narrower than the perigynia, white to reddish brown with pale mid-stripe; apex acute to acuminate. |
In rocky or gravelly soils, dry open slopes, sometimes in open forests, at or near timberline, often near persistent snowbanks. 1500–2800 m. Casc, ECas. CA, ID, NV, WA; northeast to MT, southeast to UT. Native. Carex straminiformis is a coarse, tough sedge with spikes that show a lot of contrast between pale perigynia and dark scales. The broad, flat, “potato chip” perigynia clinch the identification. Carex brevior has equally wide but plano-convex perigynia, and it grows only at low elevations. |
Flora of Oregon, volume 1, page 228 Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting |
C. abrupta, C. agastachys, C. amplifolia, C. angustata, C. aperta, C. aquatilis, C. arcta, C. arenaria, C. atherodes, C. athrostachya, C. atrosquama, C. aurea, C. barbarae, C. bebbii, C. bolanderi, C. brainerdii, C. brevior, C. breweri, C. buchananii, C. buxbaumii, C. californica, C. canescens, C. capillaris, C. capitata, C. chordorrhiza, C. comans, C. comosa, C. concinna, C. concinnoides, C. cordillerana, C. crawfordii, C. cusickii, C. davyi, C. deflexa, C. densa, C. diandra, C. disperma, C. distans, C. douglasii, C. duriuscula, C. echinata, C. exsiccata, C. feta, C. filifolia, C. fissuricola, C. fracta, C. geyeri, C. gynocrates, C. gynodynama, C. halliana, C. harfordii, C. hassei, C. haydeniana, C. hendersonii, C. heteroneura, C. hirsutella, C. hirta, C. hoodii, C. hystericina, C. idahoa, C. illota, C. infirminervia, C. inops, C. integra, C. interior, C. interrupta, C. jonesii, C. kelloggii, C. klamathensis, C. kobomugi, C. laeviculmis, C. lasiocarpa, C. leporina, C. leporinella, C. leptalea, C. leptopoda, C. limosa, C. livida, C. longii, C. luzulina, C. lyngbyei, C. macrocephala, C. macrochaeta, C. media, C. mendocinensis, C. mertensii, C. mesochorea, C. micropoda, C. microptera, C. multicaulis, C. nardina, C. nebrascensis, C. nervina, C. neurophora, C. nigricans, C. nudata, C. obnupta, C. pachycarpa, C. pachystachya, C. pansa, C. paysonis, C. pellita, C. pelocarpa, C. pendula, C. petasata, C. phaeocephala, C. pluriflora, C. praeceptorum, C. praegracilis, C. praticola, C. preslii, C. pumila, C. raynoldsii, C. retrorsa, C. rossii, C. saxatilis, C. scabriuscula, C. scirpoidea, C. scoparia, C. scopulorum, C. serpenticola, C. serratodens, C. sheldonii, C. simulata, C. spectabilis, C. stipata, C. subbracteata, C. subfusca, C. subnigricans, C. sychnocephala, C. tahoensis, C. tiogana, C. tribuloides, C. tumulicola, C. unilateralis, C. utriculata, C. vallicola, C. vernacula, C. vesicaria, C. viridula, C. vulpinoidea, C. whitneyi, C. zikae |