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Hall's bentgrass


Habit Plants perennial, 17–100 cm tall, slightly glaucous; rhizomatous. Plants perennial or rarely annual, (7.5)15– 90 cm; cespitose.

ligules 2.3– 7 mm;

tips acute, usually lacerate;

blades 6–20 cm × 2–5 mm; flat.

ligules 0.7–5 mm;

tips usually rounded, sometimes truncate or acute; erose-ciliate;

blades 4–14 cm × 1–2 mm;

basal blades mostly involute;

cauline blades usually flat.


7–22 × 1.5–5.5(7)cm; narrow to widely open; lowest node with 2–15 branches;

branches ascending to more or less appressed, mostly branching at or above mid-length; some branching near base.

(4)8–25(50) × 0.5–20 cm; diffuse, often almost as wide as long; lowest node with (1)2– 7(12) branches;

branches capillary; flexible, strongly spreading, not spikelet-bearing and usually not branched on the lower 50%, dark purple; lower branches 4–12 cm;

disarticulation at the panicle base and beneath the florets.


lanceolate, yellow-green, often tinged with purple.


2.5–4 mm, scabrous or minutely so on the margin at least distally, occasionally over the back;

tips acute, sometimes toothed;

teeth to 0.2 mm.


keels scabrous at least distally;

tips acuminate;

lower glumes 1.8– 3.4 mm;

upper glumes slightly shorter.


with conspicuous hairs 0.8–2 mm.

with sparse hairs to 0.2 mm.


2–3 mm, 5-veined;

tips acute; entire to erose, sometimes toothed;

teeth to about 0.2 mm; awnless.

1.4–2 mm, scabrous to smooth, 5-veined;

veins extended into minute teeth;

tips acute to obtuse, usually entire; awnless or awned;

lemma awns; if present, 0.2– 3 mm, arising below mid-length; bent or straight.


absent or minute.

absent or to 0.3 mm.


1.5–2.3 mm.

0.4–0.8 mm, usually not retained after anthesis.




Agrostis hallii

Agrostis scabra

[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Open oak or mixed forest, oak savanna, coastal and inland meadows. 0–1300m. Casc, CR, Est, Sisk, WV. CA. Native.

Agrostis hallii is a rhizomatous grass with conspicuous callus hairs. Its inflorescence branches may be widely spreading or appressed. In the field, its slightly glaucous herbage helps distinguish it from other grasses. This variable native grass has a superficial resemblance to the invasive introduced Agrostis species, but it lacks a palea. Agrostis hallii closely resembles native A. pallens, which has sparsely short-hairy calluses.

Moist to dry grasslands, pastures, shrub-steppe, forests and roadsides, especially in disturbed sites. 0–3000m. BR, BW, Casc, CR, ECas, Est, Lava, Owy, WV. CA, ID, NV, WA; throughout North America; Asia. Native.

Agrostis scabra has a large, extremely diffuse, delicate purplish inflorescence which breaks off and rolls in the wind, dispersing seeds like a tumbleweed. The inflorescence is often more than half as tall as the entire plant. Similar A. idahoensis is a shortleaved plant of subalpine and alpine wetlands. Its lower panicle branches rarely exceed 4 cm, and the inflorescences do not break off at maturity.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 1, page 352
Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Flora of Oregon, volume 1, page 354
Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Sibling taxa
A. canina, A. capillaris, A. castellana, A. densiflora, A. exarata, A. exarata x Agrostis pallens, A. exarata x Agrostis stolonifera, A. gigantea, A. hallii x Agrostis pallens, A. hendersonii, A. howellii, A. idahoensis, A. microphylla, A. oregonensis, A. pallens, A. scabra, A. stolonifera, A. variabilis
A. canina, A. capillaris, A. castellana, A. densiflora, A. exarata, A. exarata x Agrostis pallens, A. exarata x Agrostis stolonifera, A. gigantea, A. hallii, A. hallii x Agrostis pallens, A. hendersonii, A. howellii, A. idahoensis, A. microphylla, A. oregonensis, A. pallens, A. scabra, A. stolonifera, A. variabilis
Synonyms Agrostis hallii var. hallii, Agrostis hallii var. pringlei Agrostis hyemalis, Agrostis scabra var. geminata, Agrostis scabra var. scabra
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